DevLog 2: Level Blocking

This is the second development log for slick shifter. This devlog provides a brief update on game progress and showcases some of level design that has been completed so far. Furthermore, any updates that have been made based on feedback from the previous devlog will be briefly listed.

This week I improved sprite shape used for the player environment and added simple terrain-based obstacles for the player to drive through. The ground texture and physics materials were also tweaked to provide a better experience.

Updates From Week 1:

  • Vehicle controls have been changed. Vehicle now controls using ‘w’ for forwards, ‘s’ for reverse, and ‘a’ and ‘d’ for body rotation.
  • Boost button has been added. Boost is available every 10s using the ‘space’ key.
  • Unable to attend the session for Week 9.

Player Environment/Level Blocking:

The environment has been updated to include more lumpy/hilly terrain for the player to drive over. Hill heights and steepness have been tweaked and retested to ensure the vehicle is able to climb over them and not get stuck in any areas. This was done simply by editing the existing sprite shapes from the previous build, the edge collider is automatically updated so that the vehicle follows the terrain correctly.

The physics materials applied to the ground was changed to increase friction between the wheels and road. This improves vehicle handling.

After the basic terrain for the first level was completed, some fun obstacles were added such as a ‘loop-de-loop’. This was done by creating a second closed sprite shape. To create the impression that the player is driving through the loop, each sprite shape has a different ‘order in layer’ value. When the player passes the midway point in the loop, the collider of the second sprite shape is enabled and the collider of the first shape is disabled so the player can now pass through. This creates a visual impression of depth in the 2D environment.

Player Feedback:


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