Devlog 5: UI and Polish

This is the fifth development log for Slick Shifter. The purpose of this devlog is to provide an update on the user interface and final game elements such as the ‘end game’ screen and player scores. Other updates that are detailed include a title screen, options menu and level failure detection.


Title Screen and Options Menu:

A simple title screen has been added when the game first opens. The menu provides three options: Start Game, Options and Exit Game. The options can be selected using either the arrow keys or mouse. The background of the title screen is animated using some simple particle effects to make it more interesting and dynamic.


The buttons are given functionality using the inbuilt Unity event OnClick. When the user clicks one of the buttons, a function inside a custom menu control script is called. Depending on which button is pressed, a different function is called, with each function corresponding to a new scene to be loaded. Except for the Exit button which closes the game. The options menu is not yet fully complete. It has a basic slider bar which controls the volume of the background music.


End Game Screen:

A new end game screen has been added which is automatically loaded when the player completes the level. The screen displays the score or time in which the player completed the level as well as the high score which is automatically updated anytime it is beaten. The scores are saved using PlayerPrefs and are cleared each time the game is reloaded. The end game screen also allows the player to restart the level or return to the menu screen.


In addition to this a similar screen is displayed if the player fails to complete the level by failing one of the obstacles. The level detections failure is implemented using collision detection between the player vehicle and the black “void” at the bottom of the environment.

Restart Button:

A small restart button has been added to the bottom right-hand corner of the game screen. The button restarts the level in the unlikely event that the player becomes stuck due to an error or is unable to flip the vehicle back onto its wheels.

Final Improvements:

The camera needs to be fixed such that when the player is approaching difficult obstacles it provides a better view of the environment. Currently, player feedback suggests that the camera is making the obstacles very difficult to complete.

Improve the options menu such that the volume of the vehicle can also be controlled as it is currently fixed and can be too loud for some players. 

Files Play in browser
May 17, 2023

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